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Truth and freedom are hanging in the balance. Stand for your values with SaveCalifornia.com!

The Tyrannical Left is incessantly trampling and replacing parents, capturing and confusing kids, and eliminating your God-given liberties and constitutional rights. All for the Left's agendas of sexual perversity, baby-killing, criminal-coddling, open borders, and government dependency.

When you realize all you hold dear is under attack, being a spectator is not an option.

This is why we’re EXPOSING the dirty deeds of the Left, REPORTING truth that Big Media won’t, AWAKENING more Californians with information and action steps, EQUIPPING fathers and mothers to rescue their precious children, and MOBILIZING conservatives this election year.

Your gift today will make an immediate impact.

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SaveCalifornia.com is part of Campaign for Children and Families,
a 501(c)(3) organization. Your gift is tax-deductible and confidential.

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P.O. Box 511
Sacramento, CA 95812